Unfortunately folks, we only had 6 players for Standard on Saturday, and after reporting the results I didn’t get a snapshot of the final standings. When I went back this evening to
get them and post them I found that the event reporter doesn’t maintain the standings on casual events like it does for sanctioned events. I’ll make sure to grab them next week.Tag Archives: Tournament
Standard Pauper

Did the Christmas Dragon let you have everything you wanted from his treasure horde?
Since Friday was Christmas we didn’t run our regular Friday Night Magic. So we are running it tonight, but with a twist!
At 6pm Multiverse will be hosting a Standard Pauper format tournament.
What is Standard Pauper?
Standard Pauper follows all of the normal rules of the Standard Magic format, with one major difference.
All of the cards in your deck must be of common rarity. This limits the power of the decks and opens the playing field to those that may have more limited resources to build decks with.
If you don’t have a Standard Pauper deck, bring your cards up to the store early and we will work on helping you build a deck that you can use for the tournament.
Entry is $5.00 and our standard prize rules will apply.
Registration will start at 5pm and play will begin at approximately 6pm. If you want to join us but will be running late give us a call or post a message to us on Facebook.
Force of Will Tournament – Tuesday Night
Friday Night Magic
Don’t forget, Tonight is Friday Night Magic at Multiverse
Tonight’s Format will be Standard
Registration begins at 5:30 pm and the games begin at 6 pm
If you might be running late give us a call or leave us a message on Facebook.
Heroclix Tournament
This Tuesday night Heroclix returns to Multiverse in tournament form.
This will be a casual event. Entry fee will be $1.00 per player. Rounds will be done with Swiss pairings, with a play off at the end.
Registration starts at 5:30 pm and play begins at 6 pm
Winner will be allowed to pick out Heroclix from our singles bins up to the value of the collected entries.
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