Category Archives: Events

LAN Party Night


Grab your laptops, tonight is LAN Party night at Multiverse.

The store opens early today at 10am

We will be playing Fallout 4 and other single player games all day. If you have a laptop, or a console system, bring them up and join us.

LAN Party night starts at 5pm.

Once everyone arrives we will decide on what multiplayer games to play. We may start a new Civ V session or we could fire up something else. We might sneak in a game or two of Quiplash while everyone is getting setup.

The Week Ahead

It’s the last week of 2015 and were going to run the year out in a bash.

Starting with Monday (12/28)… While we are normally closed on Monday’s I’m on vacation and working on inventory, so we will be open from 10am until 10pm. The game room will be open so come on up. If we get enough folks we could run a tournament of Magic or Force of Will.

On Tuesday (12/29)… We will be opening early, at 10am. Tuesday is LAN night so bring a laptop and your Steam library. We could fire up some multiplayer Civ V, Quiplash, or what ever folks are interested in.

For Wednesday (12/30)… We will once again open early at 10am. The Dragon Age RPG group will be meeting to see if they can find out how and why they have been pulled 15 years into a future where a 5th blight is underway. Will they seek out the old Mage Arcana, or will they join the Grey Wardens.

Thursday (12/31)… We start the day off with opening early once again at 10am. We will be working on the backroom, setting up a painting workstation where folks can come in and work on putting together and painting miniatures from Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, and more.

Later in the evening Thursday we will be kicking off our New Year’s Eve party with board games and watching the clock hit Midnight.

Friday (1/1)… Brings us 2016. Once again we will be opening early, between 10am and 11am* (depending on if I can get out of bed after the party Thursday). Friday also brings us Friday Night Magic. The format will be Standard. I’d also like everyone to bring a Standard Pauper deck along with their Standard deck. We may run a side event with Standard Pauper.

Battle of Zendikar Pre-Release Signup


We will begin taking signups for the Battle of Zendikar Pre-release during this week’s Friday Night Magic – Legacy Format.

We will have 36 Pre-release packs available. To sign up you must visit the store. You can pay in advance if you like but it is not required.

Please also note that space for open gaming, rpg’s, etc, will be limited the night of the pre-release.

Force of Will Tournament – Tuesday Night

logo_force_of_willMultiverse will be holding a Force of Will tournament Tuesday at 6:30pm. Entry will be $5.00.


Friday Night Magic


Tonight is Friday Night Magic at Multiverse. Come on out and have some fun with us. The format for tonight will be Modern.  Registration begins at 5:30pm. Play will begin between 6:30pm and 7pm.

Hope to see you there!